The first year of marriage, so new and fresh and exciting! Wedding memories are still fresh in your mind. The symbol for the jubilee of paper and then traditionally a gift card is common, but that does not mean that a simple card will do. Create a print only reminder of all your favorite pictures that are framed and displayed.

Collect photos and have a beautiful custom created collage. Their memories are mixed together in aPrinting photos only suitable for the preparation and focus on a prominent wall in your house. This is a wonderful conversation piece for each visit at home. Your memories every day with all your favorite photos on display.

Husbands, this is the perfect gift for your wife red, they surprise you with a sentimental gift. Brides, this is a great gift to the room, wonderful memory of his first year with the mother of her husband and father, a gift to your daughteror son and their spouses will keep forever.

Another idea is a collage, have jointly produced a photo of your first year from the date of marriage. Putting together a wedding, honeymoon, special events such as the purchase of residential property, family, birth of first child, and other special moments from the first year.

A custom created collage of photos of your life with the perfect "paper" wedding gift. A traditional symbolic giftwith a new, modern twist.

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